Featuring: Hypocrite (vocals) and Hilton Schilder (keys)
Venue: Theatre Arts (Methodist Church Hall, Cnr Milton Road and Wesley Street, Observatory)
Time: 20:00 to 22:00
Date: Thursday, 30 June 2022
Supported by Creative Knowledge Resources
Audiovisual flyer by Malik Ntone Edjabe
Broadcast live on Hamshack Radio

Dual Unity: Made in the Image of Dog
‘Dual Unity: Made in the Image of Dog’ is a post-disciplinary performance-lecture interrogating the notion of being as constituted of a unified binary, where you cannot have ‘one’ without the ‘other’. Featuring Hypocrite, a jester-like character with a proclivity for overdoing things, and world renowned composer and multi-instrumentalist Hilton Schilder, it speaks to the idea of ‘God the Mother’ and ‘God the Father’ as co-creators in the process of reality. Putting forward an incommunicable argument, the performers engage in a free, feeling-driven creative dialogue. It all begins with a primordial doggy growl.